Terms & Conditions
(1) Refund policy
To cancel after you get a free first lesson, please cancel your subscription within 48 hrs of signing up. Do so by contacting your assistant or customer service. Please note, various payment methods require different ways of making a cancellation. If a student cannot attend due to personal reasons, he/she may transfer the remaining lessons to another agreed, later date.
(2) Cancellation of online lessons
To cancel your lesson, send an email or call your assistant or teacher to confirm the cancellation. However, please note that we must receive the email 12 hours before the scheduled start of the lesson. If you follow this recommendation, then the cancelled lesson will be rescheduled later in the month. However, if you do not turn up for the lesson or formally cancel the lesson 12 hours before the scheduled start, then, you will lose that lesson from your package.
(3) Lateness for online lessons
Please be on time for your online lessons. We will wait a maximum of 5 minutes for you to come to your class. If you haven’t arrived in 5 minutes, we will stop waiting and go offline. As a result, you will lose this lesson from your package – sorry. Please note that this rule applies even if you have a technical problem with your connection or your computer.
(4) Teacher cancellations
Although we will try to be available to teach all online lessons 100% of the time, there may be times when my personal circumstances mean that we have to cancel a lesson myself at short notice, i.e. on the same day of the lesson. However, in this eventuality your lesson will be rescheduled at a time later in the month.
(5) Sharing online lessons with other people
Please note that this in a one-to-one service and can only be attended by 1 student at a time unless already prearranged ahead of time. Students who are of very young ages are allowed to have 1 parent or guardian sitting beside them.
(6) Behavior during online lessons
Inappropriate student behavior during the online lesson is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. As a result, the lesson will end immediately and not be refunded.
(7) Teachers
Our teachers are contractors and are not employees of Native Teacher ESL. We expect them to follow the strict application of our Teachers Contract. However we are not ultimately responsible for what they do with any information you volunteer to give them in the course of the lessons with them. Our teachers will be held directly liable should the tone or content of their communications with you be deemed offensive in any way. We hold no responsibility for this, although we will be sure to investigate and discipline the offender if necessary, including, but not limited to, suspending or terminating their contract with Native Teacher ESL or reporting their conduct to the relevant government authorities.
(8) Account Security
You are responsible for saving and protecting your account details and password. Native Teacher ESL will not be held liable should someone enter your account and change your settings or use your lesson credits.
(9) Equipment and Conditions
The following equipment is strongly recommended for you to maximize your experience as a student at Native Teacher ESL:
- – Minimum of 3 megabytes per second download speed broadband internet connection
- – Desktop / laptop / tablet / smart phone
- – Headset of any type
- – 5 Megapixel web camera
Native Teacher ESL does not bear any responsibility for the quality of your Internet connection, Native Teacher ESL’s video conferencing platform powered by Zhumu, Zoom or WebEx call quality and will not be able to reimburse students on this basis. Please communicate directly with Zhumu, Zoom, WebEx or your Internet Service Provider if problems persist.
(10) Temporary interruption of service
Native Teacher ESL bears no liability for interruption or cancellation of services due to force of nature events such as floods, fires, uprisings etc. In the event that lessons are cancelled by Native Teacher ESL, your account will not be debited.
(11) Stop service, revocation
Native Teacher ESL reserves the right to revoke your account and cancel all credits at any given time; however, this will only be enacted should Native Teacher ESL have just cause. Native Teacher ESL reserves the right to refund students their money, net of their per-lesson fees at any time, for any reason.
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